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Children, don't reach for the secrets too soon...

It is dangerous for children to take any medically unnecessary drugs without parental knowledge and adult supervision because of all the physical, emotional, mental, social, sexual, spiritual, and other complications that inevitably arise from their use or abuse.

      Young people need to be fully informed about the dangers of experimenting with adult drugs and protected from merchants peddling addictive substances. Adults need to recognize and satisfy young people's need for extraordinary states of consciousness and rites of initiation.

      Psychoactive plants are powerful tools for working with consciousness. All powerful tools are dangerous if misused.

Police involvement with drugs is as ridiculous as doctors giving out parking tickets.       We believe that childhood is probably better spent drug-free, but appreciate the reality that ultimately only parents and their children are capable of making dietary decisions for themselves.

This is probably a bad idea ;-)
return ©reated for the benefit of all beings
Partnership for Drug Freedom in America